Friday, May 21, 2010


Hey guys,

Today we finally started the new lab. This being the biggest lab we have done is making everyone very tense. This lab is called the "Paper Airplane Final Lab". Today we just started the work. We all were put into groups of four. All the groups made a start line with masking tape and markers. Then we continued and all the teams made marks for ten meters. Then we went inside and wrote down the IV, DV, and the hypothesis. Then whoever was done with this went back outside for testing their plane for the first test. Only certain people made it to the testing. After that we were dismissed and went off to Social Studies.


  1. Hey indra! I liked your post, but you should have added a bit more information on what our lab was going to be based on and you could make it more intensive by adding some more pictures about the lab and could even add other colors. a bit more DESCRIPTIVE, you could say how people reacted, or at least use a bit more science vocabulary. You could have said how we had to set up the lab and where the stations were.
    Anyway really nice job on introducing the rest of the week work. I really enjoyed reading this!
    Minor Comment2

  2. Indra - This post is rather short and missing many details of this very important lab. You should review for your readers/classmates what the IV, DV, cv, and uv are - as it will then help explain why we are doing this lab. I do like that you have some color here and your starting picture is appropriate. But you have not done enough scientifically for this post. Also, you have not posted who is the next scribe. This will be needed by the class for the next writer to post. A link or two to Moodle or youtube may have given this post more depth and one or two pictures from class would have been a nice touch as well. More effort next time please. Thanks. ~Ms. D.

  3. Hi Indra! I liked the colors that you used . Even though you explained what was going on in class, I think you should have added more information on the lab itself and what actually did and found out in class. You also could have explained a little better what the IVs and DVs are and what the Purpose Questions were. You also could have added the steps to make a basic airplane. Overall, though, nice work!

    Davide, Minor Comment #1

  4. Hey Indra! I like yoyr post, and the colors you chose for the text. I would suggest you to write a bit more about what you did during class and add more details about it. Nice job overall!

  5. Hi Indra! I really liked your post. I liked your colors, i also liked your picture of the paper airplane. But there are some thins you have to work on. You can work more on your information on the lab, you could add more details and vocabulary that we were using in our science class. Also, you can explain what the IVs, DVs are. And please: USE SCIENTIFIC VOCABULARY MORE!
    TamarA, Minor comment #1

  6. We are Davide, Indra, James Lee, Martin

  7. Hi Indra,
    Duncan, MR. Matthew, Mrs. Bond, Valentina...


  8. w e made it

    Krsto and indra

  9. Hi Indra,
    Your post was colorful and I liked how you put up the picture of how to fold the paper planes!! I liked how you used appropriate colors which weren't very confusing and matched! The introduction to the Final Lab was well written even thought I think that you could have written a little bit more about this final, big lab conclusion which made everyone nervous. You could have also added the link to the directions on Moodle. These are just a few things that would make your scribing post more detailed and well written. In conclusion, great scribe post! :)

  10. Hey Indra,
    I thought that your post was a bit short. It would help if apart from the IV and DV you added a bit of sceince to the airplane part. I think you could have explained a bit more about why we are doing the lab and tell us a bit more about the details of the lab. I found this really cool website where it tells you on how to make all sorts of airplanes and I think it will help you:
    other wise,

  11. Nice post Indra! I like the way you have the pictures and explained the steps we took before the end of class. I think you could have maybe said the people in each of the three groups and maybe could have gone into more details about the lab and setting it up. What I mean is that you just skimmed through the information and didn't explain details. Also, you could have explained what the IV and DV meant.
